SOLIDWORKS Simulation Essentials Training Course
Course Description: Learn in-depth the basics of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), covering the entire analysis process from meshing to evaluation of results for parts and assemblies. The class discusses linear stress analysis, gap/contact analysis, and best practices
Course Length: 3 Days
Prerequisites: Knowledge of SOLIDWORKS and basic mechanical engineering concepts is recommended.
Who should attend: All SOLIDWORKS Simulation users wishing to create better designs in SOLIDWORKS by performing analysis and evaluating the behavior of their parts and assemblies under actual service conditions.
About This Course
What is SOLIDWORKS Simulation?
What Is Finite Element Analysis?
Build Mathematical Model
Build Finite Element Model
Solve Finite Element Model
Analyze Result
Errors in FEA
Finite Elements
Degrees of Freedom
Calculations in FEA
Interpretation of FEA Results
Units of Measurement
Limitations of SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Lesson 1: The Analysis Process
- Objectives
- The Analysis Process
- Case Study: Stress in a Plate
- Project Description
- SOLIDWORKS Simulation Options
- Preprocessing
- Meshing
- Postprocessing
- Multiple Studies
- Reports
Lesson 2: Mesh Controls, Stress Concentrations and Boundary Conditions
- Objectives
- Mesh Control
- Case Study: The L Bracket
- Project Description
- Case Study: Analysis of Bracket with a Fillet
- Case Study: Analysis of a Welded Bracket
- Understanding the Effect of Boundary Conditions
Lesson 3: Assembly Analysis with Contacts
- Objectives
- Contact Analysis
- Case Study: Pliers with Global Contact
- Pliers with Local Contact
Lesson 4: Symmetrical and Free Self-Equilibrated Assemblies
- Objectives
- Shrink Fit Parts
- Case Study: Shrink Fit
- Project Description
- Analysis with Soft Springs
Lesson 5: Assembly Analysis with Connectors and Mesh Refinement
- Objectives
- Connecting Components
- Connectors
- Case Study: Cardan Joint
- Problem Statement
Lesson 6: Compatible/Incompatible Meshes
- Objectives
- Compatible / Incompatible Meshing
- Case Study: Rotor
Lesson 7: Analysis of Thin Components
- Objectives
- Thin Components
- Case Study: Pulley
- Part 1: Mesh with Solid Elements
- Part 2: Refined Solid Mesh
- Solid vs. Shell
- Creating Shell Elements
- Part 3: Shell Elements – Mid-plane Surface
- Results Comparison
- Case Study: Joist Hanger
Lesson 8: Mixed Meshing Shells & Solids
- Objectives
- Mixed Meshing Solids and Shells
- Case Study: Pressure Vessel
Lesson 9: Beam Elements- Analysis of a Conveyor Frame
- Objectives
- Project Description
- Summary
- Questions
Lesson 10:Mixed Meshing Solids, Beams & Shells
- Objectives
- Mixed Meshing
- Case Study: Particle Separator
Lesson 11: Design Study
- Objectives
- Design Study
- Case Study: Suspension Design
- Summary
- Exercise
Lesson 12: Thermal Stress Analysis
- Objectives
- Thermal Stress Analysis
- Case Study: Bimetallic Strip
- Examining Results in Local Coordinate Systems
- Saving Model in its Deformed Shape
Lesson 13: Adaptive Meshing
- Objectives
- Adaptive Meshing
- Case Study: Support Bracket
- h-Adaptivity Study
- p-Adaptivity Study
- h vs. p Elements – Summary
Lesson 14: Large Displacement Analysis
- Objectives
- Small vs. Large Displacement Analysis
- Case Study: Clamp
- Part 1: Small Displacement Linear Analysis
- Part 2: Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis
Appendix A: Meshing, Solvers, and Tips & Tricks
Meshing Strategies
Geometry Preparation
Mesh Quality
Mesh Controls
Meshing Stages
Failure Diagnostics
Tips for Using Shell Elements
Hardware Considerations in Meshing
Solvers in SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Choosing a Solver
Appendix B: Customer Help and Assistance
Customer Help and Assistance